
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Beauty of owning a dog or two

Recently I have been extrememly stressed out and overwhelmed. After driving 25 minutes to work and school 6 days a week, working for five hours, going to class for three and then working again for two more hours, all I want to do is come home and watch the baseball game. When I get home, luckily for me, I have two dogs anxiously awaiting my arrival. As soon as I open the door they both come at me. My beagle, Oscar jumps up on me and wags his tail with excitement. My mutt, an older dog, Mattie awaits a rub on her head. Now, I point this out to highlight why owning dogs is so great. Besides health benefits, dogs have a calming factor and are always glad to see their owners. It is my theory that if dogs could talk, when we are gone they would talk about how they miss us and can't wait until we get home. At least that is what their reactions seems like when we do come home. Dogs are great companions and will love you with loyalty forever. For anybody out there who feels like they are missing something in their lives, perhaps you are single and feel lonesome sometimes. Perhaps you live alone and want some company and protection, either way I reccammend dog ownership to the old and the young, the singles and the couples, the boys and the girls.

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