
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bill out, Andrew in

Now, normally when Bill gets the day off from either the O'Reilly Factor or the Radio Factor, I take the day off too. However, I was more than pleased to tune into the Radio Factor on Thursday April, 6 to hear my favorite guest take over the show. I am talking about no other than Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst and author of the new groundbreaking book, "Constitutional Chaos." The reason I like Judge N. so much is because he used to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court and he shines light on the law end of issues including information about lawyers, laws, and how the issue related to the constitition. On the Roadio Factor he discussed in detail the newest House Bill on dealing with illegal immigrants. The bill states that all 11 million of them should be treated as felons. Well the Judge and I agree on one thing, this seems like a great idea in theory, however the Judge puts his own experience on this one. He points out that if we did that than they would have to be tried by the Supreme Court (because it is indeed a felony) which would flood the court system. I agree with the judge on that, however it sure does sound good on paper. Too bad it would never work.

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